About Me

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Kymberlie Ingalls is native to the Bay Area in California. She is a pioneer in blogging, having self-published online since 1997. Her style is loose, experimental, and a journey in stream of consciousness. Works include personal essay, prose, short fictional stories, and a memoir in progress. Thank you for taking a moment of your time to visit. Beware of the occasional falling opinions. For editing services: http://www.rainfallpress.com/

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

30 Day Song Challenge - Day 11

Day 11 - A song from a favorite band.

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

Favorite bands... Bee Gees (posted them the other day), Beach Boys, many country bands.  I suppose I chose Zep because it takes me back to a time of discovery, a time that was fun, evocative - my days of rock 'n roll.  Being in a dimly lit studio, trying to suffer through playing bands such as Sepultura, Slayer, and Metallica.  Metal just wasn't my thing.  Sifting through the old vinyl in the archives, I discovered a genre I knew nothing of, and came to have a brief affair with.  A hot, dirty, passionate affair, with the likes of Robert Plant, The Eagles, Journey, the Stones, classic F-Mac, Seger, Springsteen, and more. 

One of the most horrendous pet peeves of mine is a jock that segues or talks over the last hook in one of my favorite songs - the tail ending of All Of My Love when Plant wails forlornly "I get a little bit lonely.."  Best part of an already amazing song, so overlooked.  Sigh.

I chose Kashmir over Love because for me, it best represents the culmination of the combined talents of the group.  Hope you enjoy.

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