About Me

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Kymberlie Ingalls is native to the Bay Area in California. She is a pioneer in blogging, having self-published online since 1997. Her style is loose, experimental, and a journey in stream of consciousness. Works include personal essay, prose, short fictional stories, and a memoir in progress. Thank you for taking a moment of your time to visit. Beware of the occasional falling opinions. For editing services: http://www.rainfallpress.com/

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here's To Good Friends...

Tom Petty - Circus (Walls)

I consider myself blessed to have some of the most amazing friends.  Each one is a stone in the path of my life, as I journey my way toward whatever my end may be.  Some come and go, some stay awhile, and then there are those who walk beside me for the duration.  Whether near or far, virtual or flesh and bone, you are appreciated.

Here's To Good Friends!